Our Missionaries

Karl & Susan Peterson

Mexico Missionaries

Fabio & Johnna Muniz

France Missionaries

Missions Aid Application

About You

(Applicants with little connection to DCC are still encouraged to apply for missions aid. If connected to another church, we encourage you to seek assistance from leaders in that church prior to applying at DCC.)

(Please include where you will be going; what will you be doing; & who will you be ministering to.)

With what organization is this activity affiliated?

Mission Dates & Funding

Our Support

In order to help us support you more fully, and to help keep our congregation informed, praying and rejoicing with you. we urge you to be prepared and willing to :

  • Talk about the mission during a worship service as you prepare for your project.
  • Be at a worship service just prior to leaving so the congregation can pray specifically for you.
  • Keep in touch with the congregation through email updates, if possible, during the trip.
  • On return, report on the mission, including photos and videos where possible, on a Sunday morning.