Decorah Covenant Church is a multi-generational gathering of people wrestling out what it looks like to follow Jesus together. We think this starts by engaging deeply with Scripture and one another. And it grows as we allow the Spirit to empower us for Kingdom work.
Our Mission
Motivated by the love of God, the mission of Decorah Covenant Church (DCC) is to share the gospel through a dynamic and flourishing community of faith that is Christ-centered and biblically based in meaningful worship, encourages authentic discipleship, and is empowered by the Spirit for ministries of compassion, mercy, and justice.
Our Values
Deep engagement in scripture
We value conversation over rigidity, hard questions over pat answers, and wrestling with the truth of Scriptures as we seek to follow Jesus together.
Authentic Participation
We value involvement over perfection, sincerity over polish, and everyone's unique contribution to the Body of Christ.
Individual Calling
We value grassroots over top-down, invitation over obligation, and responding to God's leading in the lives of his disciples.
We value honesty over having it all together, trust over holding one another at arm's length, and joyfully living this messy life together.
As the Body of Christ, we engage deeply with the Scripture and one another to empower individuals to respond and participate in the Spirit's call.
Our Ministries
Our Worship
Colossians 3:1-17
Colossians 2:16-23