DeCCAF Sunday Lunch
Calling all of our college students! Since J-term is a bit more laid back, Kirk & Shirley Larsen are hosting a DeCCAF Sunday dinner (i.e. around lunch time after church this Sunday) at their home just outside of town. You are welcome to make your way out there at 11:00 am or later, and the Larsens will plan the meal for about 12 noon. You’re then welcome to stay awhile, go play in the snow (snow storm is coming!!), make a puzzle, play some games, etc.
So that Shirley can plan on how many people to feed, please let us know if you can come to DeCCAF this Sunday by emailing the DeCCAF e-mail no later than 9 pm this Friday evening, the 20th. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know and we will try to make accommodations. Also, if you have a couple friends who have been attending DCC that we may not have the name and e-mail of yet, please share this event info with them. Finally, if you need a ride, let us know in your RSVP email and we will get you connected at church Sunday morning or get you a ride from campus. We hope to see you Sunday!